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Showing posts from January, 2013

The best ginger beer EVER - Matso's

The number one, best ginger beer right now is... Matso's Ginger Beer! What a winner, it is sooooo good that I'm not only blogging about it but I'm also adding it to my 5/5ers selection (things that are too amazing - check it out in the menu to the right). Founds this while I was looking for a beer and gave it a punt. The perfect balance of flavours and super refreshing AND to top it all off and make it just that little bit more amazing... Matso's is Australian - Broome, Western Australia . This ginger beer definitely replaces the fallen Stone's [old] Ginger Beer as my number one favourite. But in my quest to find a great ginger beer I also come across Hollows Ginger Beer which is the runner up in second place. This is a British ginger beer with an interesting story with it.

Why does Stone's Ginger Beer taste different?

Stone's, I'm sure you will agree, used to be an amazing ginger beer and a winner for the market but some of you may have noticed that a few years back the flavour changed and it wasn't as good any more. Well ages ago I sent an email to the company asking what the go was, thinking that I might have got a dodgy batch. But what they told me was way more disappointing... Due to the Australian Federal Government introducing the "alcopop tax" (taxes on premix alcoholic drinks) the cost of producing Stone's ginger beer had a fairly big increase due to this and would have filtered down to the consumer. So to avoid the drink from being labelled an alcopop, which is partly based on the amount of sugars in the drink, they changed the recipe to avoid the tax in hopes of keeping costs down and the customers happy. Unfortunately they have failed and produced a really crap ginger beer :( Since, I have never bought Stone's Ginger Beer again although I do occasionally get

How to sew a clasp to a medal

The medals didn't come with information on how to attach the medals only how far apart to place them. They miniature medal is obviously just through the eyelet and around the edge (see 1st sketch bellow) but the large medal has two eyelets which could be sewn through just the eyelets (left side of 2nd sketch) and not around the edge or around the edge (right side of 2nd sketch). I only suggest it could have been around the edges because then the mini an full would look the same. Did some research and based on the pictures that I could find (note: mainly British medals) the stitch on the full medal goes only between the two eyelets.   What you will need: - medals and clasps (obviously) - measurements (should comes with medal) - thread matching the ribbon (in this case green and not gold...also obvious) - needle and needle threader - scissors - ruler  Measure the distances according to the information provided with the medal. This is the miniature

Cheaper alternative to Hippo Moisture Absorber

Instead of buying Hippo Moisture Absorbers for $8 from the supermarket cheaper just as good alternatives are available at cheap shops. I got a whole heap of Interior Dehumidifiers for just $2 each and they are doing a brilliant job. They are just a little bit taller and the no symmetrical shape on the bottom gives it the tendency to fall over if bumped but easy solved by facing the short side towards a wall or box on the cupboard. And they are anti spill just like the Hippo so no water falls out :)